What's Going On?
Thursday October 24th, 2002
No, the Live Drive is not back, but our website is! Thanks to Robin
(a dedicated listener of the show) we're back on psw.ca.
Now, exactly what type of presence are we going to have? No one really knows. But last
time I checked, Kent, Tom and me (Darren) are all still alive and dedicated to *not*
doing radio!
So, browse down memory lane and relive the old Live Drive memories. There should be
pictures, sound clips and all sorts of stuff going on. Or at least, left over from what
used to go on. Oh, and Kent and I are still in the studio, so check out the
Super Real Time web cam.
Oh yeah, and visit our friends, the Six Bearded Fish.
They liked our mascot so much, they formed a tribute band to him!
Hey Wake Up!
Monday June 18th, 2001
Four and a half months later... So, yeah, you must have noticed that the Live Drive is on summer hiatus. Tom and I did our big European trip in April and May and did our last show just before we left. Kent even joined us. Did he? He was going to, but maybe he didn't. I can't remember right now.
Anyways, don't be tuning into the Live Drive for the next few months, but feel free to listen to CJOA 95.1 and now 93.1 in the Candy Mountain vacinity. Perhaps we'll be back late September!
Oh yeah, our friends Lost Coin will be playing at the CLE grounds on July 12th. We don't have any other information right now, but maybe they do. Oh yeah, before you visit the Lost Coin website, check out Live Drive theme music makers The Transparencies at mp3.com to download their latest efforts!
Happy, healthy summer!
We're Shamelessly Hawking Our Wares
Monday February 5th, 2001
Okay, I'll make this quick. If you missed out on the Bearded Fish craze last year, don't fear you can get them again, and this time, they'll get shipped right to your door! You can now get Bearded Fish T-Shirts and Coffee Mugs online by visiting our Super-Fresh-E-Store. Why not get something for your loved ones today? (Sorry, but prices are in US dollars.)
Lost Coin Found a Bearded Fish
Monday January 22nd, 2001
This just in from the Lost Coin website...
Speaking of cool t-shirts, Michael was delighted with the cool bearded fish t-shirt given to him at the Thunder Bay concert by Kent and Darren of the "Live Drive" on CJOA Radio. The band had a great time in Thunder Bay sharing the stage with the group "Sons of Thunder" and doing some interviews for the station. Be sure to check out the Live Drive's web site at www.livedrive.com
And if you check out their website you'll see the band's picture on the main page. What's that you're wearing Michael Bannerman? A Bearded Fish Tshirt? Sweet! We've added that picture to our fantastic photo page so you can check it out here too.
Spanning Three Millennia
Monday January 15th, 2001
Yowza! It's been over a month since the last update! How crazy is that? Well, it's official, the Live Drive broadcast history spans three millennia. That's right, we started in 1999, and entered (according to some people) the new millenium in 2000. As we've entered into 2001 (according to other people, the "real") new millenium we've done it again. So to keep everyone happy, the Live Drive now spans three millenium of history.
Anyways, we're back now twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30 (just to make things difficult.) Why not give us a listen and give us a call: 344-9525!
Christmas Break
Tuesday December 12th, 2000
This is the last week of the Live Drive before we go on a Christmas hiatus. CJOA will be switching over to all Christmas music starting on Sunday the 17th. No worries, we plan to be back in January. If not the first week, we'll be back the second week.
Then in January sometime we'll have the drawing for Breakfast with the Live Drive Guys where one of our listeners will win breakfast with us - and we'll even pay! So, keep listening for the sound of the Live Drive guys eating breakfast and call in to get entered in the contest.
Hey, have you been enjoying the Live Drive theme music that we've been playing for the last month or so? Well, if so, then you're enjoying listening to The Transpariencies. Thanks, guys for the theme and if any of our listeners want to download it, they can from mp3.com.
Reliable Radio
Tuesday November 28th, 2000
 We were really pleased to have Reliable Toaster, Douglas Anderson in the studio with us last Thursday. This was Doug's second time visiting the Live Drive and this time he played us three songs and talked with us about being a musician and a Christian (and how the combo works together.) He also reminded us that the Toasters are in the Midwest Band Tournament in Minneapolis and are faring quite well. Thanks, Doug for helping to make a really good show. You can see pictures from the visit on our Ultra Secret Hidden Photo Page.
While you're looking at pictures from last week, check out the two snapshots we received (from Live Drive listener Larry) of the CJOA entry in the OPP Christmas parade. Ok, so it's not a spectacular float, but the Brothers Bunn were in the back of it with Kent and Steve (the radio host without a show.)
New Live Driver Debuts
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000
Hey everyone! If you missed Tuesday's show, you missed the debute show featuring the newest addition to Team Live Drive. Tom Dreyer joined the hallowed ranks of red bearded CJOA DJ's as he hosted the Live Drive with Darren. Tune in weekly as Tom gets into rotation giving Kent and Darren the breaks they need oh so very much! (Don't worry, Kent will be back Thursday, and then next week, we'll kick Darren off a show - it'll be great!)
New Super Real Time Web Cam
Friday November 17th, 2000
 Wow! Kent and Darren step into the twentieth century as the Super Real Time Web Cam is set up in the Live Drive studios. Yeah, that's right, the Live Drive studios. It's not CJOA anymore. (Sorry, I'm just getting a little megalomaniacal there (look it up.))
So, take a look right now at what's happening in the Live Drive studios, and make sure you tune in on the T-Days (Tuesday and Thursday) from 4:30pm to 5:30pm to hear the Live Drive!
Full Swing Fall
Friday October 27th, 2000
Well, I hope you're enjoying the new season of the Live Drive. I'm certainly glad to be able to be
back playing tunes for you this year. I suppose the new big news is our colouring contest winner... congrats go to
Angela Barron, who not only coloured a nice beared fish, but manages to get
her drawing pulled out of the AFDB! She wins the last bearded fish t-shirt - the one signed by lot's of
talented Christian artists, like the guys from Jars of Clay, La Rue, Fono, Caedmon's Call and others!
Some other news is the big Skillet and Bleach concert in International Falls! Kent got some pictures
and as soon as he gets them developed, they'll get posted up here! In the mean time, keep listening, and
you'll hear us soon - Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4:30 - 5:30pm on CJOA 95.1fm!
Discuss the New Poll
Wednesday October 4th, 2000
Exciting new updates to the Live Drive webpage today. We finally got our picture of us with Audio
Adrenaline developed and posted on the Ultra-Secret-Hidden-Photo-Page, we added a
discussion board for all you folks who like to see you name in online-print and we have a new poll for you
to partake in! The old poll results will are still viewable, it's just too late to participate in it.
So, enjoy the additions (make sure you add yourself to the Live Drive Mailing list - your email address
won't be sold or given away) and get colouring in the contest!
Olympic-Sized-Millennium Live Drive Colouring Contest
Thursday September 28th, 2000
Not that we want to oversell the contest or anything, but this is big. For our first contest of
the year, the Live Drive is giving away a sweet Bearded Fish t-shirt. But not just any t-shirt, an
autographed Bearded Fish t-shirt - not the host's autographs though. It's been autographed by the likes of
Jars of Clay, Caedmon's Call, Raze, La Rue, Fono, Luna Halo and lot's more too!
So, how do you win the t-shirt? Well, simple - print out a copy of the Live Drive "Colour Me" picture,
colour it in, and send it to us at The Live Drive c/o CJOA Radio, 63 Carrie St. Thunder Bay, ON. Or, if
you're so inclined, use your computer to colour it in and email it to us. All entries received by October 16th will be entered
into a draw for the t-shirt and the best colouring jobs (as decided by our panel of judges) will have thier
pictures displayed on the livedrive.com!
Right, here's the Live Drive "Colour Me" picture. Get your crayons out and start colouring!
Right click on the picture to get the option to save the picture.
Send 'Em In
Your requests that is! Just click on the fish to send us an email with the songs that you want to hear on
the Live Drive! If you want to hear it, you've got to request it - or wait until we decide to play it I
guess. But if you request it, we'll mention your name on air!
Quick - Read This
Okay - here's the latest. The first broadcast of the Live Drive has been pushed back to Tuesday September
26th and then Thursday the 28th. What's cool is that the Live Drive will be broadcasting twice
each week! That's two Live Drives each week, for an hour, starting at 4:30pm.
Next bit of news, we've got our big contest ready for our huge give away this fall! Remember when
we told you that we went down to Sonshine this summer? Well in addition to getting a tonne of interviews, we
took the last Bearded Fish t-shirt and had it autographed by all your favourite musicians. You can see some
of the bands who signed it on our Ultra Secret Hidden Photo Page. Anyways, be
listening on the 26th for information on how you can win this t-shirt!
Last Minute News
Regretfully, the Live Drive will not start it's new season on Tuesday the 12th. Look for the first
broadcast of the Live Drive next Tuesday the 19th and then on Thursday the 21st.
Also, Capstone is going to be passing through town tonight. Althought they won't be able to play a
show, they will take the time to drop by the station around 5:00pm to record an interview!
Lost Coin Finds Thunder Bay
The boys from Lost Coin, who got in the bad habbit last year of sending in email requests for their
own songs, made a brief stop in Thunder Bay last night. Michael Bannerman, front man for the band was
reported to say that the only reason they stopped at all was to pick up his Bearded Fish T-Shirt! In fact,
they played to a rowdy crowd at the Pottery Barn in the County Fair area. Sons of Thunder opened
for the five from London and afterwards band brothers Scott and Michael took some time to do an interview
at CJOA (to be aired later this fall.)
It was a great crowd for a Wednesday evening and I found no one who was having a less than great time.
If anyone took any photographs of the band and would like to be a photo-reporter for the Live Drive, please
email the Live Drive.
Too Much of a Good Thing?
One thing is almost certain, the Live Drive will premier on Tuesday September 12th this year. That's
right, the Live Drive has moved to Tuesday afternoons and has happily added a second show to the week on
Thursdays. The show will be airing from 4:30pm - 5:30pm on CJOA 95.1 FM and with all the adventures that
Kent and Darren had this summer, there's sure to be many interesting moments.
New Additions
Hey, there's something new here on the livedrive.com! We've added a mailing list for those who
care to be informed of Live Drive happenings via email. Just subscribe to the Live Drive mailing list
by entering you email address and clicking on submit. You can also take part in shaping the Live
Drive's new season - which is starting in just over a month! Take the Live Drive Listener Poll to your
right and help us improve the show!
Sonshine 2000 Report
First off, thanks for checking out our new website! Kent and I just got in today from our trip
to Willmar, Minnesota and Sonshine 2000. It was hot, it was humid but most of all it was a good
time. In addition to hearing lots of cool bands and meeting with many of your favourite Christian
artists, we scored two of the coolest prizes around. You'll have to wait until September to find
out what they are and how you might win one though.
Here's a list of some of the folks we talked to and who's interviews we hope to highlight on the
Live Drive this fall: Scarecrow & Tinman, Jennifer Knapp, Audio Adrenaline, Smalltown Poets, Caedmon's
Call, Raze, Fono, Geoff Moore, LaRue, Jars of Clay.
You might be asking, "Did you get any photos?" Yes, we did and as soon as our film develops
we'll be posting up here in a new and improved Ultra Secret Hidden Photo Page.
Sounds exciting!
New Live Drive Webpage
You may have noticed that we've got a brand new looking webpage happening! As we continue to make
updates to livedrive.com this summer, we'd love to keep in touch with you. So feel free to
email the Live Drive.