sample8js: 005 rem c128 basic sample player v0.8js 006 rem original concept by robin @ 8-bit show and tell 007 rem modified by jeffery stone ( to use "raw2play" 008 rem *** change filename in line 30 *** 009 rem 010 rem a$ must first variable for "raw2play" 020 a$="abcdefghijklmnopq":a$=a$+a$+a$+a$+a$:a$=a$+a$+a$ 030 fi$="robin.raw" 040 md=175:dim v$(md):b=0 050 bload"raw2play" 060 fast 070 dopen#1,(fi$):if ds <>0 then print"disk error: ";ds$:dclose#1:slow:stop 080 sys 4864: rem call raw2play routine 090 rreg l:v$(b)=left$(a$,l) 100 if st=0 and b