Tom Dreyer, RP & Jody Tauro Hi-Teens '80 |

The Mellow Fellows Hi-Teens '80 |

Glenn & Kelly Gibson Senior I '80 |

Tom Dreyer Senior I '80 |

David James Senior I '80 |

Chapel Wall Raising Senior I '80 |

Al Drinkwalter Comm. Camp '80 |

RP, Tom Dreyer & Roy Ellis Hi-Teens '81 |

Big Al in the Outhouse Hi-Teens '81 |

Mudball: Jody Tauro Teens '81 |

Mudball Group Teens '81 |

Suham and Kyla Teens '81 |

Liz, George & Jesse Jones Teens '81 |

Johnny Elastic & the Rubber Band Teens '81 |

Bob Dorion Teens '81 |

Cptn Dorion & Boy Bimbo Senior II '81 |

George Pawluk, Al Drinkwalter destroy Tumble Inn Senior II '81 |
Andy James Primary '81 |

Dale (& Sarah), Matt, Paul & Prince Jansen Comm. Camp '81 |

Thanksgiving Camp '81 |

Winter Retreat '82 |

Monty & Millie 30 Years '82 |

George Jones Teens '82 |

J.E. & the Rubber Band with Sister Stretch Teens '82 |

Teens '82 Staff Ball Team |

ELK as Agatha Bagg Senior I '82 |

Big Al Drinkwalter razing Vacation Villa Senior I '82 |

Three Generations of Campers Junior '82 |

Fierce MacPherson Inter. '82 |

Monk Supper Inter. '82 |

Sarah Jansen Primary '82 |

Vern Martin Diabetic/Overflow '82 |

Big Al & Paul Jansen raze Sleepy Hollow D/O '82 |

Paul J., Joe Gandier & Peter Polkki Teens Reunion '82 |

Shawn Friesen, Michael Gilmour & David Turner, Thanksgiving '82 |

DBC in the 1st Century Spring '83 |

Richard Pepper & Elaine Kalnbach Hi-Teens '83 |

RP & Michele Morrison Hi-Teens '83 |

My Fair Counsellor, Hi-Teens '83 |

Peter James Teens I '83 |

Lynnette's Swynnettes Teens I '83 |

RP as Darth Director Teens II '83 |

Erin & Robin Harbron Junior '83 |

The Sound of Camp Senior '83 |

Big Al & Michael Gilmour razing the boys outhouse Inter. I '83 |

Paul Jansen Inter. I '83 |

Kevin Kuchta etc. Inter. I '83 |

Big Al & the Enlarging Machine Inter. II '83 |

Thanksgiving Camp '83 |

RP & Shawn Friesen Hi-Teens '84 |

Mike, RP & Jim Trashed Hi-Teens '84 |

Dickie Marvellous Teens I '84 |

Ladies Pillow Fight Teens II '84 |

Shawn & Chris Minor Primary '84 |

Andy James & Jim Brooks Senior '84 |

Peter Polkki as Bolo the Olympic Clown Inter. II '84 |

Dress the Counsellor Inter. II '84 |

RP & Joe Gandier in 'The Man Without' Thanksgiving '84 |

Joe Gandier & Peter Himanen as 'Zambinis' Thanksgiving '84 |

Big Al razing the Tuck Shop Thanksgiving '84 |

Shawn Friesen mourns Thanksgiving '84 |

Shawn, Mike, Mark, Cathy & Carolyn May 31 '85 |

Zambini Brothers & Sisters Teens 2 '85 |

E.L.K. as Zelda Junior '85 |

Chris 'David' LeSauvage Junior '85 |

Paul Peterson, Shawn Friesen Junior '85 |

Paul Jansen Lifeguard Junior '85 |

Dawne & Shawn Friesen Inter. I '85 |

Sanna Haukilahti & Shawn Friesen Inter. I '85 |

Kirsi Penttinen & RP Inter. I '85 |

Building the Pavilion, Inter. II '85 |

Mike Gilmour & 'Franki' Jensen Inter. II '85 |

Mike Gilmour & Bryan Fulton Inter. II '85 |

Tuck Shop II Inter. II '85 |

Help me! Help me! Help me! Inter. II '85 |

Ed Gooch!! Inter. II '85 |

Jerry Mayo Thanksgiving '85 |

Carla Gibson etc. Thanksgiving '85 |

Sara James & Elaine Kalnbach '85 |

Mark James, Shawn Friesen, '85 |

Fiddler on the Tukshop Hi-Teens '86 |

Victor Wong Hi-Teens '86 |

Millie's 35 years at Camp, '86 |

Joe Gandier, Gord Sakiyama Inter. I '86 |

The Marvellous Family Inter. II '86 |

Thanksgiving Camp '86 |

Michelle Richards, Millie Kamphof, Dana Horner, Nov. '86 |

Paul Norris, Dave Wolframe May 9 '87 |

Chris Minor & little bro, Mike Labour Day '87 |

Richard Pepper Labour Day '87 |

Thanksgiving Camp '87 |

Follow-up Singers March 26 '88 |

Dave Marshall '88 |

Bucket Heads Inter. II '88 |

RP & Robin Wright Hi-Teens '88 |

Paul Capon & Maya Teens II '89 |

RP and another Robin Primary '89 |

Mark and Charlotte James Inter. I '89 |

RP and Joe Gandier Inter. I '89 |