Dorion Bible Camp & Conference
Centre Dorion, Ontario, Canada, P0T1K0 Telephone: 807-857-2331 Fax: 807-857-1141 Email: |
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Thank you to all the staff who gave of their time to get to know each other and become familiar with the goals and ways of Dorion Bible Camp. It was a good time together. I must say, Dustin and I were very impressed with the inventions each group came up with (pictures below) made from junk we hastily collected together!! A good sign, I'd say, of a flexible, creative and enthusiastic staff team for the summer!
Richard's dead tire | The Bug Killer | RC Lawnmower |
DBC Flag | Bird Feeder? | Washing Machine |
Bug Trap 1 | Dave's Boat | Bug Trap 2 |
Richard's Place | Kim Extinguishing | Karen Extinguishing |
Ramon | 4:33 | Staff Picture |
The Vision of Dorion Bible Camp is....
Team-building inventions; Richard's Crown Contest; Dragon Tails
Stephen & the fire hose; Testimony Camp Fire; The Swings
The Front Street Men; 4:33
Shine Like the Stars Forever and Ever
Chapel at the Bell; The Forum
Do you have other special memories of Staff Orientation?
Email me
Sorry, I can't promise to use all of them. Experiences shared by or known to
the entire group are preferred.
[ Top ]
Email me if you wish to see Poplar Terrace's picture.
Guess Who's Toast; Bucket Ball
The Longest Cabin Poem; Ed's Alley Tourney
Whose Line Is It Anyway?; Canoes vs Kayaks
Sweet Caroline (Ba ba ba); "The Ultimate Talent"
Shaving Doug's Head; The Front Street Men; The Broom Trick
The Cool Clapping Crew; Deep Thoughts; What did the pig say to the horse?
"It's My Swing."
Fire Bunnies; Magda doesn't like margarine or butter.
Bob's drawings
Do you have other special memories of this week?
Email me
Sorry, I can't promise to use all of them. Experiences shared by or known to
the entire group are preferred.
[ Top ]
Barbie versus GI Joe
The balloon that wouldn't pop
Mega Thunder Storm
Soccer in the Rain (not Lightning!)
Jack and Rose
Hans, Frans & Gwendolyn; The Jamaican Oracle
The Front Street Men; The Side Street Girls
"It's My Swing."
Staff Hunt
Rocket Rays; Super Rock Star Dawgs; Bubbleteer
Do you have other special memories of this week?
Email me
Sorry, I can't promise to use all of them. Experiences shared by or known to
the entire group are preferred.
[ Top ]
Millie | More Millie | Cutting the Cake |
The Story of Ruth
Derek as the Angel Gabriel
Those Naughty Kitchen Sheep
Christmas Tree Hunt
The Christmas Play
Bram's Bottle Rocket
Hit King Herod
Do you have other special memories of this week?
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[ Top ]
Bunnies on the Conference Centre
Amy & 3 Lost Things; Dave's Ski Shop in Morocco
Dainty Derek; Robin's vs Tim Horton's Donuts
Butterflies in Doug's Stomach
Stephen in his Fire Fighting Gear
"Yes, No, Yes"; Deep Thoughts; Thomas & Sheldon's Jokes
The Boys Fashion Show
Jacob: "When God Ran"
Staff Hunt & Kangaroo Court
Cowmen; Yeti Avengers; Superior Yanks
Do you have other special memories of this week?
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The Helicopter flying by over & over again
Chapel in the basement
The OPPies
Captain Canada and the Magnificent Rabbi
"Hockey, touques and ... poutines!"
Jeff & Tim's Poem for Derek
Keith plays Jennifer's viola.
Staff Hunt
Karen buys an ice cream for Jennifer.
Carly/CJeff; Sweet Smamin'; Crazy Campers
Do you have other special memories of this week?
Email me [ Top ]
Bunnies on the Conference Centre
Statues Playing Dragon Tail (Ouch!)
The Jamaican Oracle Defeated
Tim & Mike and the Obstacle Course
Mars Bars versus Coffee Crisp
The Wilson Cup
The Story(?) of Noah
Krazy Kamoo; Marilyn's Mercenaries; Sgt. Peppers
Do you have other special memories of this week?
Email me [ Top ]
Golden Brooms and Silver Dustpans for All!!
Mouth to Nose Resuscitation; Cooking Perogies in the Oven
Radio Shack Man meets Captain Heresy
Foreign Language discussion of driving skills
Potato buffet
The Man Without
The Return of the Bear Who Went Over the Mountain
Keith plays the violin.
Happy Birthday, Pam!!
Table Tennis tournament
Sylvester and Tweety (Stephen's Favourite)
Watermelon football
Dustin (the Inspector) wins the Pipe.
Do you have other special memories of this week?
Email me [ Top ]
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Mary & Gabriel
Tuck Time
Doug with Veggies!
A Little Angel(?)
Bubble Brains
Parkdale Place
Birch Bungalow
Tumble Out
Tamarac Towers
Vacation Villa
The First Joel
Dustin Pied
5 Year Staff
Sorry, I can't promise to use all of them. Experiences shared by or known to
the entire group are preferred.
Karen & Raili
Ben H.
Sorry, I can't promise to use all of them. Experiences shared by or known to
the entire group are preferred. Thanks go to Bethany Vieira for a correction
and a suggestion for this week.
Sorry, I can't promise to use all of them. Experiences shared by or known to
the entire group are preferred.
Sorry, I can't promise to use all of them. Experiences shared by or known to
the entire group are preferred.
Staff on the bench
Another Staff line
The Gooners
Gimme the hockey ball.
Iantense action
On the attack
On defence
Screaming fans
The Winning Goal
Team Photo
Sorry, I can't promise to use all of them. Experiences shared by or known to
the entire group are preferred.
Other Pics from Early '02
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June 24, 2002 by Dorion Bible Camp & Conference Centre Web Author.
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